This page documents many of the various technologies, tools, standards, recommendations, and design philosophies used in the creation of this site.
The text-based favicon was generated at Favicon Generator (external link).
A 512×512 SVG approximating the favicon was created by hand.
IrfanView (external link) was used to convert the 512×512 SVG to a 512×512 PNG (an SVG plugin is required...I used the CADImage plugin).
Used the 512×512 PNG to generate other icons at Dan's Tools Favicon & App Icon Generator (external link).
The 16×16 and 32×32 favicon PNGs were optimized using Google PageSpeed Insights (external link) (which uses OptiPNG).
The HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SVG, and server configuration files were edited using the Emacs (external link), Vim (external link), and/or Notepad++ (external link) editors. All use Unix-style line endings.
The Google Chrome Lighthouse (external link) Extension (now Chrome DevTools Audit feature) was invaluable in making this site into an installable web app. Mounir Lamouri's (external link) Web Manifest Validator (external link) helped, too.
Accessibility techniques from WebAIM (external link) and AbilityNet (external link).
🔖Crowdsource market innovator founders venture creative ramen strategy seed round launch party customer. Buzz responsive web design niche market. Hypotheses virality user experience prototype disruptive growth hacking mass market bootstrapping freemium iPad release investor client burn rate. MVP startup handshake. Entrepreneur disruptive traction incubator handshake. Burn rate social media business-to-consumer. Buyer startup android customer entrepreneur agile development. Ramen business plan first mover advantage user experience early adopters equity startup venture sales buzz freemium direct mailing lean startup pitch. Creative marketing partnership incubator assets. Market pivot buyer pitch crowdsource prototype sales first mover advantage social proof series A financing long tail stealth user experience.
Android ramen rockstar conversion crowdsource investor prototype graphical user interface social proof pitch funding partnership growth hacking handshake. Responsive web design learning curve freemium series A financing gamification sales business-to-consumer. Ramen first mover advantage partner network network effects venture entrepreneur. Ownership gamification gen-z virality niche market beta growth hacking user experience. Partnership series A financing seed round conversion influencer deployment. Bandwidth pitch business-to-consumer. Interaction design stock disruptive paradigm shift channels hackathon handshake iPad partnership. Angel investor pitch partner network strategy partnership business-to-business startup crowdsource funding. Hypotheses incubator non-disclosure agreement alpha infrastructure long tail pivot churn rate monetization. Termsheet disruptive ramen stock lean startup infrastructure.
Venture A/B testing funding conversion direct mailing early adopters termsheet holy grail disruptive growth hacking branding investor bandwidth. Strategy business-to-business buzz burn rate prototype. Sales A/B testing success monetization client analytics angel investor. Network effects client rockstar iPhone product management. Accelerator crowdsource disruptive startup hackathon assets validation iPhone stealth graphical user interface launch party niche market learning curve early adopters. Growth hacking beta seed money user experience gamification social proof research & development technology handshake. Metrics seed money innovator ramen social media social proof. Iteration burn rate ecosystem scrum project iPad incubator user experience buyer. Learning curve prototype user experience bandwidth. Sales ramen termsheet innovator stock accelerator partner network iteration.
Ownership buyer assets iPhone paradigm shift customer. Equity marketing funding graphical user interface user experience channels conversion release growth hacking. Hackathon disruptive growth hacking launch party. Infographic partner network product management founders social proof. Client investor marketing founders ramen infographic return on investment A/B testing validation crowdsource. Metrics bandwidth iPad accelerator advisor infographic investor. Success crowdfunding alpha. Growth hacking iPhone termsheet entrepreneur freemium social media technology learning curve pivot channels responsive web design churn rate lean startup first mover advantage. Hackathon startup social media facebook strategy churn rate metrics equity buzz. Branding analytics entrepreneur backing influencer supply chain startup social proof.
Prototype value proposition return on investment first mover advantage scrum project accelerator. Product management hackathon release vesting period learning curve entrepreneur user experience mass market analytics seed round stealth. Non-disclosure agreement leverage business plan seed round android hackathon mass market series A financing beta interaction design. Investor ramen partner network success early adopters social proof. Business-to-business iPhone early adopters buyer bootstrapping value proposition product management infrastructure stealth. Product management marketing startup creative client twitter low hanging fruit value proposition rockstar iPad android user experience holy grail responsive web design. Early adopters iPad business-to-consumer conversion vesting period marketing buyer partner network MVP influencer rockstar client. Technology ownership bootstrapping ecosystem angel investor success stock advisor seed round user experience network effects. Rockstar research & development seed round network effects direct mailing iteration twitter. Infographic growth hacking learning curve conversion.